Sunday, October 26, 2008

To be.. or not to be.. an MD

So since day one in nursing school.. i have always had the feeling of " I want more." I am the nerdy one who goes home after work and looks up a bunch of new things I heard at work. Well I have been having the overwhelming feeling of being a doc... what do you think??? Despite what you think.. I have pretty much made up my mind..I think up until now I have allowed others opinions, good and bad... of persuading me one way or another. I figured even med school, residency and specialziing I could be done by 35??? That's not that old folks. Besides everybody needs a good MD in the family right?? Give me your thoughts???


Higley's said...

Jessie! Do it! I am 34 and I am telling you.....time flies the older you get! I say go for it. Nurses make the best doctors anyway!

Kwista-fin said...

Jessie, I say what Katherine says, only I am now 36 and in many ways looking at the end. I let my kidney disease stand in the way of accomplishing "good things" and I regret it now. Don't regret! After all, if you start med school and just hate it, you can always be the best nurse and continue to learn just for the sake of learning. Hugs, Edwardo :-)

Mandy Snyder said...

Jessie, I think you have the emotional maturity to recognize your own potential and strenghts. Don't let other people's negativity hold you back, I think they are just voicing their own jealousy and insecurity. Go for it chica. Oh yeah, hire me when you are done. Okay?

Kate said...

Go for it! I think you would be great at it!

Jill, Wes, and Andy said...

You need to do what is right for you. I know you will make the right decision.

The Steenblog Fam said...

I think that is so dang cool. You will do great in whatever you decide. Just go for what feels right and things will work out - No regrets! Dr. Snack Pack has a nice ring to it too.

kim said...

That is so freakin cool! I am actually jealous, I have thought about it a ton and just keep telling myself no. I totally think you should do it. We NEED to get together!

Slaters said...

I support the idea.....its a long road but very rewarding.