Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mixed emotions..

So I am down to my last two days here. One of which I have to waste at work :( I am filled with mixed emotions. I am excited to go home and see my family for a brief time and excited to move on to the next assignment(which is a suprise for those of you who don't know). However, I have made some good friends here that I am sad to leave. I am also sad that I finally sort of learned to navigate my away around here now only to have to leave! I will miss my roommate Kim and my nephew Jackie Wackie (the dog) the most! I have loved living with them. We have had some good times, and maybe we will get to do an assignment together in the future! I hope Jackie Wackie does not forget how much I love him!!!!

1 comment:

kim said...

I agree with you on the whole mixed feelings thing. Jackie and I miss you and hope you have a fantastic time in DC.