Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! I know I am not a mother (hope to be one day), but I do know after watching my Mother and my sister and other mothers around me that it is the hardest job that does not get the recognition it deserves. My mother is the most amazing woman. She is so compassionate and thoughtful. She will do anything for anyone in my family and those around her. She works hard to make every holiday and occasion such a special occasion. My sister is also another amazing woman. She works all day at school and goes non stop when she gets home. She always has such a positive attitude no matter how tired she is or how badly she wants to kick little Oliviahs butt! All the women in my family are amazing Mother's. I want to let them know that their hard work and dedication does not go unrecognized. I Love you ladies!

1 comment:

Brandie said...

Hey you!! I just found your blog. You look great! You must be having a good time traveling.