Monday, August 11, 2008

He passed!

Yes, you can all go ahead and laugh at me now! I have turned into one of those dog owners that treat their dog like their children! I used to make fun of them, but now I am one of them! I see how easily it can happen, when you don't have children, they tend to become your children. Chance was put in puppy kindergarten to learn a thing or two about obedience. From day one the trainer was very impressed about how well he behaved for being in the shelter since a little puppy! He was so good some weeks I had to wake him up from his nap on the floor to participate! Well.. it was his last week and he passed! ( You know I am making this as cheesy as possible so you can all mock me!)He is such a good boy!

1 comment:

Jill, Wes, and Andy said...

Cute little chancey-poo we miss you!