Monday, February 25, 2008

Here I Am....

Well, here I am living in Phoenix, Arizona. One might ask what brought me here... to be honest... I am not sure myself. After going to college for what seemed like forever, I graduated from nursing school, got a good job, and continued to go to school to receive my Bachelors which I graduated with this past December. Although I liked my job in Salt Lake (notice I say liked.. not loved) I was ready for something new and different. I have lived in Utah my whole life and decided I needed to venture out and see what else the world had to offer. I was terribly sad to leave my amazing family and my great co-workers (who were the only thing worth going to work for) and my dear friends in Utah, however, I felt this was a step I needed to take. My friend was going traveling and whether she liked it or not.. I decided to come along. So on February 19th I pulled out of my driveway, with the FJ packed as tight as possible (one of the few times I was grateful I bought the gas hog.. lots of packin room!) with a mixture of emotions. I was sad to leave my family and my cute home, but excited for what the future might hold. I was scared,... new town.. new job... but once again... i felt good about my decision and was excited for the journey I was about to begin.....


Katherine said...

Jessie . . .Arizona looks FABULOUS!!! I'm glad things are going well for you. As far as your blog goes, let me know exactly what you want help with and we'll do it okay?

kim said...

I love your blog! It turned out so cute. I think you did a great job! Thanks for sending me the email with all the ideas. See you soon